About Me
- Head of the Kassel Institute for Systemic Therapy and Counselling e.V. (Kassel Institute)
- Certified Trainer for Systemic Counselling and Therapy (DGSF and SG)
- Systemic Supervisor (SG) (IF Weinheim)
- Leadership Training and Coaching (NEDA – Training and Coaching)
- Systemic Counsellor & Therapist (Kassel Institute, Systemic Society)
- Systemic Couple Therapist (Kassel Institute, Systemic Society)
- Pedagogue (M.A.)
After studying pedagogy in Göttingen, my path led me into youth welfare. In an intensive pedagogical group accomodation facility, I had my first introduction to the systemic approach and decided to attend advanced training as a systemic counsellor and therapist.
Two central aspects of the systemic idea are my inspiration at work:
The belief that every person contains the capability to cope with difficult situations within oneself.
The consideration of human beings as individuals within a system, which – like a mobile – moves after a change in one point. This system can, for example, be the family, relationships, a circle of friends or workplace surroundings. To consider one’s own resources and gain consciousness about the configuration of relationships within a system can help to overcome personal crises.
I guide people to (re‑)discover their abilities and explore their own system. How long this support takes is your decision. As the systemic therapy follows clearly defined and limited goals it often takes less time than other forms of therapy.

For Couples
Couple relationships offer many challenges. Two people from different systems, with different life experiences and value systems form a "we". In this setting turbulent phases and conflicts are quite natural. Often the couple can find ways to solve these issues together. Moreover, along the way the couple develops further and masters life together.
Then there are also difficult phases, which seem hopeless. Whether it is a life-changing event, e.g. the birth of a child, a breach of trust, permanent lack of appreciation or a toxic pattern in your relationship: communication no longer works, you feel misunderstood and hurt. Doubts arise as to whether you as a couple are still "working" at all.
In such situations, systemic couple counselling or therapy can be helpful by asking important questions. Let us take a closer look at where you stand as a couple and how you can strengthen your existing resources. What issues are you struggling with? What will your next step be?
Often, it is about moulding the relationship for both partners in a way that feels fulfilling, so that both partners can say a loud "YES!" to one another and continue their way forward together.
However, there is a chance the solution may be a positive farewell. Going separate ways can be a chance for personal development for both. Occasionally, something has to end so that something new can develop.

For Individuals
You probably already know this: situations get you out of balance; a nagging issue at work, a family conflict or problems in a relationship. You feel something should happen, but you don’t know what to do. Your head is full of thoughts going round in circles. What you need is a positive step forward that will take you further.
If you recognise yourself in this description, a viewpoint from the outside might be helpful. Let’s talk and find out which solution you are looking for, what you need for that - and what answers you already carry within you.
The search for a solution can be supported by a closer look at your family of origin. For this I especially offer the so-called "genogram technique". This method is used to explore the family system, which forms the basis of your personality with all its nuances. Exploring and discussing your background can help to explain behavioural patterns as well as ways of thinking and thereby make it easier to deal with challenges.
Appointments & Fees
Appointments can be made on the following days:
- Monday to Friday
For making an appointment, please send me an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use the contact form. Please let me know what days and times work best for you so I can offer you appropriate options.
If you prefer calling me: My availability for phone calls is very limited. Please leave your name and phone number and I will call you back as soon as possible.
Fees vor counselling, therapy and supervision:
- Appointments for individuals:
- 90 euros for 50 minutes
- Appointments for couples:
- 120 euros for 80 minutes
- Appointments for Systemic Supervision:
- 130 euros for 60 minutes, 195 euros for 90 minutes
All prices are subject to value added tax. Fees can be paid by debit card (EC-Karte) at the end of an appointment or by bank transfer.

- Neda Mohagheghi
- Düstere-Eichen-Weg 22
- 37073 Göttingen, Germany
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- (+49) 551 - 99 96 97 26